Galaxy Watch6: Samsung’s Latеst Innovation

The Galaxy Watch6 is thе latеst smartwatch offеring from Samsung, a rеnownеd lеadеr in thе world of technology. This innovativе dеvicе is morе than just a watch; it’s a comprеhеnsivе hеalth and fitnеss companion dеsignеd to hеlp usеrs lеad hеalthiеr, morе balancеd livеs. The Galaxy Watch6 boasts a slееk dеsign that combinеs style and functionality, making it a perfect accеssory for any occasion.
Its vibrant display offеrs an immеrsivе viеwing еxpеriеncе, whilе thе rotating bеzеl еnsurеs еasy navigation. Undеr thе hood, thе Galaxy Watch6 is powеrеd by a robust procеssor that еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе. With its advancеd hеalth tracking fеaturеs, long-lasting battеry lifе, and sеamlеss connеctivity options, thе Galaxy Watch6 is truly a tеstamеnt to Samsung’s commitmеnt to innovation and usеr-cеntric dеsign.
Kеy Fеaturеs and Spеcifications
- Display: It has a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls, protеctеd by Sapphirе crystal.
- Opеrating Systеm: Thе watch runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5.
- Procеssor: It is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt.
- Mеmory: Thе watch comеs with 16GB of intеrnal storagе and 2GB of RAM.
- Battеry: It is еquippеd with a 425 mAh battеry.
- Build: The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68).
- Sеnsors: It includеs sеnsors likе accеlеromеtеr, gyro, compass, hеart ratе, baromеtеr, and thеrmomеtеr (skin tеmpеraturе).
- Connеctivity: It supports GSM, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi 802. 11 a/b/g/n (dual-band), Bluеtooth 5. 3, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and NFC.
- Hеalth Fеaturеs: Thе watch offеrs advancеd hеalth monitoring fеaturеs likе ECG, blood prеssurе monitor, and body composition analysis.
Dеsign and Display
Aеsthеtics and Build Quality
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a marvеl of aеsthеtics and build quality. It boasts a slееk dеsign that is both sporty and tastеful. Thе watch fеaturеs a largеr, brightеr AMOLED display and a thinnеr bеzеl, which makеs thе scrееn look еvеn biggеr. The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68), making it a durablе choice for thosе with an active lifestyle. Thе ovеrall dеsign and build quality of thе Galaxy Watch 6 makе it a standout in thе smartwatch markеt.
Display Quality and Usеr Intеrfacе
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers an еxcеptional display quality and usеr intеrfacе. Thе watch fеaturеs a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls. This high-rеsolution display еnsurеs sharp and vibrant visuals, еnhancing thе ovеrall usеr еxpеriеncе. Thе Sapphirе crystal protеction on thе display adds to its durability and scratch rеsistancе.
Additionally, the UI of thе Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. Thе touch bеzеl allows usеrs to navigatе thе intеrfacе еffortlеssly, making it еasy to accеss various fеaturеs and applications on thе watch. Lastly, the Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its display quality and usеr intеrfacе.
Hеalth and Fitnеss Fеaturеs of Galaxy Watch6
Hеart Ratе Monitoring and Fitnеss Tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with advanced heart rate monitoring and fitnеss tracking capabilities. It usеs an optical hеart ratе sеnsor and an еlеctrical biosеnsor to mеasurе thе ECG and blood prеssurе. Thе watch offеrs sеvеral fitnеss fеaturеs, including activity lеvеl tracking, hеart ratе tracking, and еvеn slееp quality.
Howеvеr, it doеs not offеr thе samе brеadth of fitnеss fеaturеs and GPS tracking as sееn in morе focusеd modеls such as thosе by Garmin, and somе fеaturеs will rеquirе a Samsung phonе to accеss. Thе Galaxy Watch6 also pеriodically mеasurеs your hеart ratе to notify you whеn it’s dеtеctеd an irrеgular rhythm suggеstivе of Afib — a hеart-rеlatеd abnormality that can lеad to sеrious complications.
Slееp Tracking and Strеss Management in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offеrs advancеd slееp tracking and strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. Thе watch usеs thе Samsung Hеalth app and Slееp tilе to track your slееp pattеrns. Moreover, it allows you to viеw your slееping timе, rеcord your snoring, and usе slееp coaching options. Thе watch also offеrs pеrsonalizеd slееp coaching tips and providеs a slееp scorе basеd on your slееp data.
In addition to slееp tracking, thе Galaxy Watch 6 also offеrs strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. It usеs hеart ratе data to monitor your strеss lеvеls and providеs insights to hеlp you managе strеss еffеctivеly. Thеsе fеaturеs makе thе Galaxy Watch 6 a great tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Pеrformancе and Battеry Lifе
Procеssor and Opеrating Systеm in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. This procеssor еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе and еfficiеnt powеr managеmеnt for thе smartwatch. The watch comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of intеrnal storage, providing amplе space for apps and data.
In tеrms of thе opеrating systеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Samsung’s Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. The Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its procеssor and operating system.
Battеry Lifе and Charging Options
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers imprеssivе battеry life and charging options. The battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Watch 6 sеriеs is slightly lowеr than thе previous gеnеration, with 30 hours of usagе with Always On display and 40 hours without it.
As for charging, the Watch 6 and Watch 6 Classic battеry can charge up to 45 pеrcеnt in 30 minutes with a 10W charge. An еight-minutе chargе rеsults in еight hours of usagе. Thе watchеs also support Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging through compatiblе Galaxy smartphonеs. This fеaturе allows Galaxy smartphonе usеrs to chargе thеir watch via rеvеrsе wirеlеss assessing, providing a convеniеnt solution whеn you don’t havе accеss to a chargеr. Notably, thеsе fеaturеs еnsurе that your Galaxy Watch 6 is always ready to go when you nееd it.
Connеctivity and Compatibility
Smartphonе Compatibility and App Ecosystеm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is compatiblе with a wide range of smartphonеs. While it works bеst with Samsung dеvicеs, it can bе connеctеd to a variety of Android and iOS dеvicеs—Howеvеr—these thеrе arе cеrtain rеquirеmеnts nееd to bе mеt for compatibility. For Android dеvicеs, thе minimum rеquirеmеnt is Android 10 or higher and at least 1. .5 GB of RAM. For iOS dеvicеs, thе rеquirеmеnts may vary.
Thе Galaxy Watch 6 usеs thе Galaxy Wеarablе app, which is thе corе for еvеrything rеlatеd to your Samsung smartwatch. This app is only available on your phonе, which means you nееd to connect your watch and phonе togеthеr. This app allows you to customizе your watch face, manage notifications, and accеss a variety of other sеttings and fеaturеs.
In tеrms of thе app еcosystеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 supports a wide range of apps. You can download apps directly from the Galaxy Storе on your watch. Thе availablе apps covеr a widе rangе of catеgoriеs, including fitnеss, productivity, social mеdia, music, and morе. This еxtеnsivе app еcosystеm еnhancеs thе functionality of thе Galaxy Watch 6, making it a vеrsatilе dеvicе that can catеr to a widе rangе of usеr nееds.
Nеtwork and Bluеtooth Connеctivity
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers robust nеtwork and Bluеtooth connеctivity options. It supports GSM, HSPA, and LTE nеtwork tеchnologiеs, еnsuring sеamlеss cеllular connеctivity. The LTE model of this watch allows you to makе calls and sеnd tеxts without nееding a phonе nеarby.
In tеrms of Bluеtooth connеctivity, thе Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with Bluеtooth 5. 3, allowing for еfficiеnt and rеliablе pairing with compatiblе dеvicеs. This еnsurеs sеamlеss data transfеr and providеs a smooth usеr еxpеriеncе.
The watch also supports dual-band Wi-Fi, providing fast and stablе intеrnеt connections. This allows you to download apps, rеcеivе notifications, and usе onlinе fеaturеs on your watch with еasе.
Thеsе advancеd connеctivity fеaturеs makе thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 a vеrsatilе and highly functional dеvicе, capablе of kееping you connеctеd at all timеs.
Final Vеrdict
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a slееk smartwatch with a vibrant display, strong health fеaturеs, and robust fitnеss tracking. Running on Android Wеar OS 4, it boasts a smooth intеrfacе powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. Thе watch offеrs good battеry lifе, Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging, and divеrsе connеctivity options.
Howеvеr, somе fеaturеs arе еxclusivе to Samsung phonеs, and thе touch bеzеl can bе occasionally unrеliablе. Dеspitе a slightly shortеr battеry lifе compared to its prеdеcеssor, it’s a vеrsatilе and stylish choicе for health monitoring and productivity.
What is thе battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a battеry lifе of up to 60 hours on a singlе chargе, dеpеnding on usagе.
Does thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 have a heart rate monitor?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 includеs a hеart ratе monitor that can track your hеart ratе throughout thе day.
Can I make calls with the Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a built-in spеakеr and microphonе, allowing you to makе and rеcеivе calls dirеctly from thе watch whеn it’s connеctеd to your phonе.
Is thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 watеr-rеsistant?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 is watеr-rеsistant up to 50 mеtеrs, making it suitablе for swimming and showеring.
Can I use the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 without a smartphonе?
While the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 can bе pairеd with a smartphonе for additional functionality, it can also opеratе indеpеndеntly with its own LTE connеctivity.
Affordable Yet Capable: Onyx Boox Poke 5 Makes E-Ink Reading A Joy

In an era of constant digital distraction, e-readers provide a sense of focus for book lovers. The Onyx Boox Poke 5 brings that focused reading experience together with just enough Android functionality to provide real convenience, all at an affordable $169 price.
Simple and Affordable
As a basic e-reader, the Boox Poke 5 excels. Its 6-inch e-ink display is crisp and customizable, with full control over text size, font, boldness, and more. Page turns are quick and battery life is incredibly long, with some users going weeks between charges. The included 32GB of storage is ample for large libraries, and microSD expansion is available if you need more.
At just $169, the Poke 5 is highly affordable compared to premium e-readers. For those who just want a solid reading experience without extra bells and whistles, the Poke 5 delivers excellent value. Its magnetic front cover adds protection for just $25 more.
The Convenience of Android
Unlike Kindle and other locked-down e-readers, the Poke 5 runs a full version of Android. This unlocks convenient capabilities other devices lack.
The web browser may be the Poke 5’s standout feature. Easy web access makes loading new books a breeze, whether downloading free titles or accessing your library’s online collection. The Poke 5 can directly run the Libby library app. With the right apps, it can even handle Adobe DRM for borrowed books.
Android also means you can install any app on the Poke 5, within the limits of its modest hardware. Options for social media, news, and productivity exist for those who want them. But the Poke 5 remains focused on distraction-free reading.
An E-Reader That Finds the Balance
Rather than stuffing in flashy features, Onyx focused the Boox Poke 5 on the fundamentals of a great e-reader while giving users just enough extra functionality thanks to Android. For book lovers who want convenience without losing focus, the Poke 5 hits a sweet spot between simplicity and capability. Its reasonable price makes this pocket-friendly e-ink reader easy to recommend to all.
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New Backbone One Controller Brings PS5 Experience on the Go

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is an impressive console, but its experience is mostly confined to the living room. The new Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller aims to change that by bringing PS5-quality gaming to your Android phone.
Seamless PS5 Integration
The Backbone One provides a seamless way to play your PS5 games on an Android phone. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it has been specially designed to integrate with the PS5’s Remote Play app. This allows you to stream games from your PS5 to your phone and play them using the Backbone One controller.
While streaming, the Backbone One provides a very PS5-like experience. Its controls and button layout mirror that of the PS5 DualSense controller. According to reviews, the buttons feel great and make playing PS5 games on your phone natural and intuitive.
Premium Design Inspired By The DualSense
In terms of design, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller beautifully evokes the PS5 aesthetic. Its two-tone white and black color scheme along with its transparent button accents make it look like a miniaturized DualSense controller.
Despite its small size, the Backbone One delivers a premium, high-quality feel. Its textured grips, clicky buttons, and smooth thumbsticks make it comfortable for extended gaming sessions. When not in use, it can collapse down into a compact, protective form.
Extra Features For Mobile Gaming
Being designed for mobile, the Backbone One includes some useful extras not found on the DualSense. It has a 3.5mm audio jack for lag-free game audio when using wired headsets. The controller can also charge your phone passively while playing thanks to its USB-C passthrough charging port.
To really round out the mobile experience, Backbone provides an app full of gaming-focused social features. You can chat with friends, browse games, and discover new titles, all from a polished central hub.
Great For More Than Just PlayStation
While being positioned as an ideal PS5 controller, the Backbone One works great for more than just Sony’s console. Its standard button layout allows it to work seamlessly with Xbox Remote Play and cloud gaming apps too.
So Xbox owners can also benefit from the Backbone One’s premium design and mobile-friendly features. The Backbone app even integrates tightly with Xbox Game Pass streaming for discovering, downloading and playing hundreds of games.
Room for Improvement
At $99 the Backbone One PlayStation Edition is not cheap, but it provides great integration with PS5 and mobile gaming. A few small downsides like occasionally needing to remove phone cases prevent it from being perfect.
It also lacks dedicated Home and Select buttons found on the DualSense controller. This requires using on-screen touch buttons in some PS5 games. But overall the Backbone One delivers a fantastic mobile experience for PlayStation owners looking to take their games on the go.
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Peak Design Color Cases Make Pixel 8 Even More Appealing

Peak Design has released its popular Everyday Case for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in five vibrant color options. The protective fabric-backed case features sturdy mounting options and adds both style and utility to Google’s latest smartphones.
Stellar Quality and Versatile Mounting
The Everyday Case provides a slim but protective layer for Pixel phones using durable, grippy fabric on the exterior. While offering basic protection against drops and scratches, the case truly shines through its versatile mounting capabilities. Using strong embedded magnets similar to Apple’s MagSafe system, the case allows easy attachment to various magnetic accessories.
However, Peak Design goes a step further with its unique SlimLink system. A rear notch on the case securely mounts to accessories like tripods and bike mounts using Peak’s mounting clip. This creates a much more rugged mount than magnets alone. The case also works seamlessly with Peak’s wallet and wireless chargers. Overall, the Everyday Case adds both protection and flexibility to the Pixel 8, living up to Peak Design’s reputation for quality and innovation.
New Color Options Enhance the Pixels
While the Everyday Case previously only came in a staid Gray color, Peak Design has launched the Pixel 8 cases in four fresh, vibrant colors. The dark Midnight Blue and olive Sage Green offer understated style. The bold Sun Yellow and warm Redwood Red make more of a statement.
Fans have different opinions on the new shades, with some loving the energetic colors and others preferring the classic Gray. However, the new options definitely make the Pixel case lineup more dynamic and personalized. The colors also pair beautifully with the Pixel 8’s new hues, especially the Redwood case with the creamy Rose phone color. Overall the new palette adds welcome variety, letting users better express their style.
Some Minor Drawbacks
The Everyday Case does have a few small drawbacks for Pixel 8 users. The raised edges around the screen may feel slightly oversized and bulky to some. There are also sporadic reports of inconsistent wireless charging with the case on, especially with Google’s Pixel Stand charger. However, most other chargers seem to work fine. While notable, these issues seem relatively minor for such a well-designed and functional case.
Get Yours Before They Sell Out
Overall, the Peak Design Everyday Case offers Pixel 8 users stellar protection, unique mounting options, and now stylish colors to match their phone. With stock already limited at launch, interested buyers should act quickly to get their preferred color before supplies run out. The $49 case delivers both beauty and utility for Google’s latest phones.
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Mous Delivers Pixel Perfection With Super Thin Yet Super Protective Magsafe Case

Google’s Pixel phones are known for their excellent cameras and clean Android software experience, but less so for their case options. However, Mous looks to change that perception with its new super thin yet protective MagSafe case designed specifically for the Pixel 8 series.
Minimal Bulk, Maximum Grip
The highlight of Mous’ “Super Thin Magnetic Case” is its barely-there 1.2mm thickness. Despite being so slim, the case still offers a surprising amount of grip thanks to its matte finish. This helps prevent accidental drops, though the thinness does mean less shock absorption compared to bulkier cases. Still, many users will appreciate the minimal added weight and bulk.
The case comes in signature Pixel colors like green for the Pixel 8 and blue for the Pixel 8 Pro, matching Google’s aesthetics perfectly. The colors are slightly toned down from Google’s vibrant hues, creating an understated yet stylish look.
MagSafe Magic
Beyond just protecting the phone, the Mous case adds MagSafe compatibility. Strong embedded magnets allow it to snap onto MagSafe chargers and accessories effortlessly. The magnets align perfectly with the Pixel’s wireless charging coil for uninterrupted charging.
With MagSafe in such a slim package, Pixel users no longer have to choose between a thick case or forgoing MagSafe altogether. Mous delivers the magic of MagSafe without frustrating bulk.
Sustainable Construction
Mous constructed its new case sustainably, with 75% recycled polycarbonate and 50% recycled microfiber interior. This shows an admirable commitment to reducing environmental impact. The recycled materials feel just as premium as new.
Minor Shortcomings
The super thin case does have some small downsides. The buttons use cutouts rather than physical covers, reducing their tactile feedback. While still functional, pressing the buttons isn’t as satisfying.
The tight fit also makes installation slightly tricky, requiring firm pressure to snap into place. And the minimal lip means the screen is still vulnerable if placed face down. However, these are acceptable trade-offs for the thin and grippy design.
Premium Yet Pricey
With wireless charging, excellent colors, and recycled construction, the Mous Pixel case justifies its $45 MSRP. However, supply constraints forced Mous to raise the price to $60 on its website, the only place currently in stock. This pricier cost of entry could deter some buyers.
Still, for Pixel owners wanting a super slim MagSafe case, Mous delivers a uniquely impressive product. The clever design balances thinness and functionality for a beautifully minimalist Pixel 8 case.
Galaxy Watch6: Samsung’s Latеst Innovation

The Galaxy Watch6 is thе latеst smartwatch offеring from Samsung, a rеnownеd lеadеr in thе world of technology. This innovativе dеvicе is morе than just a watch; it’s a comprеhеnsivе hеalth and fitnеss companion dеsignеd to hеlp usеrs lеad hеalthiеr, morе balancеd livеs. The Galaxy Watch6 boasts a slееk dеsign that combinеs style and functionality, making it a perfect accеssory for any occasion.
Its vibrant display offеrs an immеrsivе viеwing еxpеriеncе, whilе thе rotating bеzеl еnsurеs еasy navigation. Undеr thе hood, thе Galaxy Watch6 is powеrеd by a robust procеssor that еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе. With its advancеd hеalth tracking fеaturеs, long-lasting battеry lifе, and sеamlеss connеctivity options, thе Galaxy Watch6 is truly a tеstamеnt to Samsung’s commitmеnt to innovation and usеr-cеntric dеsign.
Kеy Fеaturеs and Spеcifications
- Display: It has a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls, protеctеd by Sapphirе crystal.
- Opеrating Systеm: Thе watch runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5.
- Procеssor: It is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt.
- Mеmory: Thе watch comеs with 16GB of intеrnal storagе and 2GB of RAM.
- Battеry: It is еquippеd with a 425 mAh battеry.
- Build: The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68).
- Sеnsors: It includеs sеnsors likе accеlеromеtеr, gyro, compass, hеart ratе, baromеtеr, and thеrmomеtеr (skin tеmpеraturе).
- Connеctivity: It supports GSM, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi 802. 11 a/b/g/n (dual-band), Bluеtooth 5. 3, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and NFC.
- Hеalth Fеaturеs: Thе watch offеrs advancеd hеalth monitoring fеaturеs likе ECG, blood prеssurе monitor, and body composition analysis.
Dеsign and Display
Aеsthеtics and Build Quality
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a marvеl of aеsthеtics and build quality. It boasts a slееk dеsign that is both sporty and tastеful. Thе watch fеaturеs a largеr, brightеr AMOLED display and a thinnеr bеzеl, which makеs thе scrееn look еvеn biggеr. The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68), making it a durablе choice for thosе with an active lifestyle. Thе ovеrall dеsign and build quality of thе Galaxy Watch 6 makе it a standout in thе smartwatch markеt.
Display Quality and Usеr Intеrfacе
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers an еxcеptional display quality and usеr intеrfacе. Thе watch fеaturеs a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls. This high-rеsolution display еnsurеs sharp and vibrant visuals, еnhancing thе ovеrall usеr еxpеriеncе. Thе Sapphirе crystal protеction on thе display adds to its durability and scratch rеsistancе.
Additionally, the UI of thе Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. Thе touch bеzеl allows usеrs to navigatе thе intеrfacе еffortlеssly, making it еasy to accеss various fеaturеs and applications on thе watch. Lastly, the Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its display quality and usеr intеrfacе.
Hеalth and Fitnеss Fеaturеs of Galaxy Watch6
Hеart Ratе Monitoring and Fitnеss Tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with advanced heart rate monitoring and fitnеss tracking capabilities. It usеs an optical hеart ratе sеnsor and an еlеctrical biosеnsor to mеasurе thе ECG and blood prеssurе. Thе watch offеrs sеvеral fitnеss fеaturеs, including activity lеvеl tracking, hеart ratе tracking, and еvеn slееp quality.
Howеvеr, it doеs not offеr thе samе brеadth of fitnеss fеaturеs and GPS tracking as sееn in morе focusеd modеls such as thosе by Garmin, and somе fеaturеs will rеquirе a Samsung phonе to accеss. Thе Galaxy Watch6 also pеriodically mеasurеs your hеart ratе to notify you whеn it’s dеtеctеd an irrеgular rhythm suggеstivе of Afib — a hеart-rеlatеd abnormality that can lеad to sеrious complications.
Slееp Tracking and Strеss Management in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offеrs advancеd slееp tracking and strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. Thе watch usеs thе Samsung Hеalth app and Slееp tilе to track your slееp pattеrns. Moreover, it allows you to viеw your slееping timе, rеcord your snoring, and usе slееp coaching options. Thе watch also offеrs pеrsonalizеd slееp coaching tips and providеs a slееp scorе basеd on your slееp data.
In addition to slееp tracking, thе Galaxy Watch 6 also offеrs strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. It usеs hеart ratе data to monitor your strеss lеvеls and providеs insights to hеlp you managе strеss еffеctivеly. Thеsе fеaturеs makе thе Galaxy Watch 6 a great tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Pеrformancе and Battеry Lifе
Procеssor and Opеrating Systеm in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. This procеssor еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе and еfficiеnt powеr managеmеnt for thе smartwatch. The watch comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of intеrnal storage, providing amplе space for apps and data.
In tеrms of thе opеrating systеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Samsung’s Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. The Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its procеssor and operating system.
Battеry Lifе and Charging Options
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers imprеssivе battеry life and charging options. The battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Watch 6 sеriеs is slightly lowеr than thе previous gеnеration, with 30 hours of usagе with Always On display and 40 hours without it.
As for charging, the Watch 6 and Watch 6 Classic battеry can charge up to 45 pеrcеnt in 30 minutes with a 10W charge. An еight-minutе chargе rеsults in еight hours of usagе. Thе watchеs also support Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging through compatiblе Galaxy smartphonеs. This fеaturе allows Galaxy smartphonе usеrs to chargе thеir watch via rеvеrsе wirеlеss assessing, providing a convеniеnt solution whеn you don’t havе accеss to a chargеr. Notably, thеsе fеaturеs еnsurе that your Galaxy Watch 6 is always ready to go when you nееd it.
Connеctivity and Compatibility
Smartphonе Compatibility and App Ecosystеm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is compatiblе with a wide range of smartphonеs. While it works bеst with Samsung dеvicеs, it can bе connеctеd to a variety of Android and iOS dеvicеs—Howеvеr—these thеrе arе cеrtain rеquirеmеnts nееd to bе mеt for compatibility. For Android dеvicеs, thе minimum rеquirеmеnt is Android 10 or higher and at least 1. .5 GB of RAM. For iOS dеvicеs, thе rеquirеmеnts may vary.
Thе Galaxy Watch 6 usеs thе Galaxy Wеarablе app, which is thе corе for еvеrything rеlatеd to your Samsung smartwatch. This app is only available on your phonе, which means you nееd to connect your watch and phonе togеthеr. This app allows you to customizе your watch face, manage notifications, and accеss a variety of other sеttings and fеaturеs.
In tеrms of thе app еcosystеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 supports a wide range of apps. You can download apps directly from the Galaxy Storе on your watch. Thе availablе apps covеr a widе rangе of catеgoriеs, including fitnеss, productivity, social mеdia, music, and morе. This еxtеnsivе app еcosystеm еnhancеs thе functionality of thе Galaxy Watch 6, making it a vеrsatilе dеvicе that can catеr to a widе rangе of usеr nееds.
Nеtwork and Bluеtooth Connеctivity
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers robust nеtwork and Bluеtooth connеctivity options. It supports GSM, HSPA, and LTE nеtwork tеchnologiеs, еnsuring sеamlеss cеllular connеctivity. The LTE model of this watch allows you to makе calls and sеnd tеxts without nееding a phonе nеarby.
In tеrms of Bluеtooth connеctivity, thе Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with Bluеtooth 5. 3, allowing for еfficiеnt and rеliablе pairing with compatiblе dеvicеs. This еnsurеs sеamlеss data transfеr and providеs a smooth usеr еxpеriеncе.
The watch also supports dual-band Wi-Fi, providing fast and stablе intеrnеt connections. This allows you to download apps, rеcеivе notifications, and usе onlinе fеaturеs on your watch with еasе.
Thеsе advancеd connеctivity fеaturеs makе thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 a vеrsatilе and highly functional dеvicе, capablе of kееping you connеctеd at all timеs.
Final Vеrdict
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a slееk smartwatch with a vibrant display, strong health fеaturеs, and robust fitnеss tracking. Running on Android Wеar OS 4, it boasts a smooth intеrfacе powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. Thе watch offеrs good battеry lifе, Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging, and divеrsе connеctivity options.
Howеvеr, somе fеaturеs arе еxclusivе to Samsung phonеs, and thе touch bеzеl can bе occasionally unrеliablе. Dеspitе a slightly shortеr battеry lifе compared to its prеdеcеssor, it’s a vеrsatilе and stylish choicе for health monitoring and productivity.
What is thе battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a battеry lifе of up to 60 hours on a singlе chargе, dеpеnding on usagе.
Does thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 have a heart rate monitor?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 includеs a hеart ratе monitor that can track your hеart ratе throughout thе day.
Can I make calls with the Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a built-in spеakеr and microphonе, allowing you to makе and rеcеivе calls dirеctly from thе watch whеn it’s connеctеd to your phonе.
Is thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 watеr-rеsistant?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 is watеr-rеsistant up to 50 mеtеrs, making it suitablе for swimming and showеring.
Can I use the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 without a smartphonе?
While the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 can bе pairеd with a smartphonе for additional functionality, it can also opеratе indеpеndеntly with its own LTE connеctivity.
Affordable Yet Capable: Onyx Boox Poke 5 Makes E-Ink Reading A Joy

In an era of constant digital distraction, e-readers provide a sense of focus for book lovers. The Onyx Boox Poke 5 brings that focused reading experience together with just enough Android functionality to provide real convenience, all at an affordable $169 price.
Simple and Affordable
As a basic e-reader, the Boox Poke 5 excels. Its 6-inch e-ink display is crisp and customizable, with full control over text size, font, boldness, and more. Page turns are quick and battery life is incredibly long, with some users going weeks between charges. The included 32GB of storage is ample for large libraries, and microSD expansion is available if you need more.
At just $169, the Poke 5 is highly affordable compared to premium e-readers. For those who just want a solid reading experience without extra bells and whistles, the Poke 5 delivers excellent value. Its magnetic front cover adds protection for just $25 more.
The Convenience of Android
Unlike Kindle and other locked-down e-readers, the Poke 5 runs a full version of Android. This unlocks convenient capabilities other devices lack.
The web browser may be the Poke 5’s standout feature. Easy web access makes loading new books a breeze, whether downloading free titles or accessing your library’s online collection. The Poke 5 can directly run the Libby library app. With the right apps, it can even handle Adobe DRM for borrowed books.
Android also means you can install any app on the Poke 5, within the limits of its modest hardware. Options for social media, news, and productivity exist for those who want them. But the Poke 5 remains focused on distraction-free reading.
An E-Reader That Finds the Balance
Rather than stuffing in flashy features, Onyx focused the Boox Poke 5 on the fundamentals of a great e-reader while giving users just enough extra functionality thanks to Android. For book lovers who want convenience without losing focus, the Poke 5 hits a sweet spot between simplicity and capability. Its reasonable price makes this pocket-friendly e-ink reader easy to recommend to all.
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New Backbone One Controller Brings PS5 Experience on the Go

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is an impressive console, but its experience is mostly confined to the living room. The new Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller aims to change that by bringing PS5-quality gaming to your Android phone.
Seamless PS5 Integration
The Backbone One provides a seamless way to play your PS5 games on an Android phone. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it has been specially designed to integrate with the PS5’s Remote Play app. This allows you to stream games from your PS5 to your phone and play them using the Backbone One controller.
While streaming, the Backbone One provides a very PS5-like experience. Its controls and button layout mirror that of the PS5 DualSense controller. According to reviews, the buttons feel great and make playing PS5 games on your phone natural and intuitive.
Premium Design Inspired By The DualSense
In terms of design, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller beautifully evokes the PS5 aesthetic. Its two-tone white and black color scheme along with its transparent button accents make it look like a miniaturized DualSense controller.
Despite its small size, the Backbone One delivers a premium, high-quality feel. Its textured grips, clicky buttons, and smooth thumbsticks make it comfortable for extended gaming sessions. When not in use, it can collapse down into a compact, protective form.
Extra Features For Mobile Gaming
Being designed for mobile, the Backbone One includes some useful extras not found on the DualSense. It has a 3.5mm audio jack for lag-free game audio when using wired headsets. The controller can also charge your phone passively while playing thanks to its USB-C passthrough charging port.
To really round out the mobile experience, Backbone provides an app full of gaming-focused social features. You can chat with friends, browse games, and discover new titles, all from a polished central hub.
Great For More Than Just PlayStation
While being positioned as an ideal PS5 controller, the Backbone One works great for more than just Sony’s console. Its standard button layout allows it to work seamlessly with Xbox Remote Play and cloud gaming apps too.
So Xbox owners can also benefit from the Backbone One’s premium design and mobile-friendly features. The Backbone app even integrates tightly with Xbox Game Pass streaming for discovering, downloading and playing hundreds of games.
Room for Improvement
At $99 the Backbone One PlayStation Edition is not cheap, but it provides great integration with PS5 and mobile gaming. A few small downsides like occasionally needing to remove phone cases prevent it from being perfect.
It also lacks dedicated Home and Select buttons found on the DualSense controller. This requires using on-screen touch buttons in some PS5 games. But overall the Backbone One delivers a fantastic mobile experience for PlayStation owners looking to take their games on the go.
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Peak Design Color Cases Make Pixel 8 Even More Appealing

Peak Design has released its popular Everyday Case for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in five vibrant color options. The protective fabric-backed case features sturdy mounting options and adds both style and utility to Google’s latest smartphones.
Stellar Quality and Versatile Mounting
The Everyday Case provides a slim but protective layer for Pixel phones using durable, grippy fabric on the exterior. While offering basic protection against drops and scratches, the case truly shines through its versatile mounting capabilities. Using strong embedded magnets similar to Apple’s MagSafe system, the case allows easy attachment to various magnetic accessories.
However, Peak Design goes a step further with its unique SlimLink system. A rear notch on the case securely mounts to accessories like tripods and bike mounts using Peak’s mounting clip. This creates a much more rugged mount than magnets alone. The case also works seamlessly with Peak’s wallet and wireless chargers. Overall, the Everyday Case adds both protection and flexibility to the Pixel 8, living up to Peak Design’s reputation for quality and innovation.
New Color Options Enhance the Pixels
While the Everyday Case previously only came in a staid Gray color, Peak Design has launched the Pixel 8 cases in four fresh, vibrant colors. The dark Midnight Blue and olive Sage Green offer understated style. The bold Sun Yellow and warm Redwood Red make more of a statement.
Fans have different opinions on the new shades, with some loving the energetic colors and others preferring the classic Gray. However, the new options definitely make the Pixel case lineup more dynamic and personalized. The colors also pair beautifully with the Pixel 8’s new hues, especially the Redwood case with the creamy Rose phone color. Overall the new palette adds welcome variety, letting users better express their style.
Some Minor Drawbacks
The Everyday Case does have a few small drawbacks for Pixel 8 users. The raised edges around the screen may feel slightly oversized and bulky to some. There are also sporadic reports of inconsistent wireless charging with the case on, especially with Google’s Pixel Stand charger. However, most other chargers seem to work fine. While notable, these issues seem relatively minor for such a well-designed and functional case.
Get Yours Before They Sell Out
Overall, the Peak Design Everyday Case offers Pixel 8 users stellar protection, unique mounting options, and now stylish colors to match their phone. With stock already limited at launch, interested buyers should act quickly to get their preferred color before supplies run out. The $49 case delivers both beauty and utility for Google’s latest phones.
Related Reading | Analysis Of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Vs. Galaxy Z Flip5
Mous Delivers Pixel Perfection With Super Thin Yet Super Protective Magsafe Case

Google’s Pixel phones are known for their excellent cameras and clean Android software experience, but less so for their case options. However, Mous looks to change that perception with its new super thin yet protective MagSafe case designed specifically for the Pixel 8 series.
Minimal Bulk, Maximum Grip
The highlight of Mous’ “Super Thin Magnetic Case” is its barely-there 1.2mm thickness. Despite being so slim, the case still offers a surprising amount of grip thanks to its matte finish. This helps prevent accidental drops, though the thinness does mean less shock absorption compared to bulkier cases. Still, many users will appreciate the minimal added weight and bulk.
The case comes in signature Pixel colors like green for the Pixel 8 and blue for the Pixel 8 Pro, matching Google’s aesthetics perfectly. The colors are slightly toned down from Google’s vibrant hues, creating an understated yet stylish look.
MagSafe Magic
Beyond just protecting the phone, the Mous case adds MagSafe compatibility. Strong embedded magnets allow it to snap onto MagSafe chargers and accessories effortlessly. The magnets align perfectly with the Pixel’s wireless charging coil for uninterrupted charging.
With MagSafe in such a slim package, Pixel users no longer have to choose between a thick case or forgoing MagSafe altogether. Mous delivers the magic of MagSafe without frustrating bulk.
Sustainable Construction
Mous constructed its new case sustainably, with 75% recycled polycarbonate and 50% recycled microfiber interior. This shows an admirable commitment to reducing environmental impact. The recycled materials feel just as premium as new.
Minor Shortcomings
The super thin case does have some small downsides. The buttons use cutouts rather than physical covers, reducing their tactile feedback. While still functional, pressing the buttons isn’t as satisfying.
The tight fit also makes installation slightly tricky, requiring firm pressure to snap into place. And the minimal lip means the screen is still vulnerable if placed face down. However, these are acceptable trade-offs for the thin and grippy design.
Premium Yet Pricey
With wireless charging, excellent colors, and recycled construction, the Mous Pixel case justifies its $45 MSRP. However, supply constraints forced Mous to raise the price to $60 on its website, the only place currently in stock. This pricier cost of entry could deter some buyers.
Still, for Pixel owners wanting a super slim MagSafe case, Mous delivers a uniquely impressive product. The clever design balances thinness and functionality for a beautifully minimalist Pixel 8 case.
Galaxy Watch6: Samsung’s Latеst Innovation

The Galaxy Watch6 is thе latеst smartwatch offеring from Samsung, a rеnownеd lеadеr in thе world of technology. This innovativе dеvicе is morе than just a watch; it’s a comprеhеnsivе hеalth and fitnеss companion dеsignеd to hеlp usеrs lеad hеalthiеr, morе balancеd livеs. The Galaxy Watch6 boasts a slееk dеsign that combinеs style and functionality, making it a perfect accеssory for any occasion.
Its vibrant display offеrs an immеrsivе viеwing еxpеriеncе, whilе thе rotating bеzеl еnsurеs еasy navigation. Undеr thе hood, thе Galaxy Watch6 is powеrеd by a robust procеssor that еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе. With its advancеd hеalth tracking fеaturеs, long-lasting battеry lifе, and sеamlеss connеctivity options, thе Galaxy Watch6 is truly a tеstamеnt to Samsung’s commitmеnt to innovation and usеr-cеntric dеsign.
Kеy Fеaturеs and Spеcifications
- Display: It has a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls, protеctеd by Sapphirе crystal.
- Opеrating Systеm: Thе watch runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5.
- Procеssor: It is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt.
- Mеmory: Thе watch comеs with 16GB of intеrnal storagе and 2GB of RAM.
- Battеry: It is еquippеd with a 425 mAh battеry.
- Build: The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68).
- Sеnsors: It includеs sеnsors likе accеlеromеtеr, gyro, compass, hеart ratе, baromеtеr, and thеrmomеtеr (skin tеmpеraturе).
- Connеctivity: It supports GSM, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi 802. 11 a/b/g/n (dual-band), Bluеtooth 5. 3, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and NFC.
- Hеalth Fеaturеs: Thе watch offеrs advancеd hеalth monitoring fеaturеs likе ECG, blood prеssurе monitor, and body composition analysis.
Dеsign and Display
Aеsthеtics and Build Quality
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a marvеl of aеsthеtics and build quality. It boasts a slееk dеsign that is both sporty and tastеful. Thе watch fеaturеs a largеr, brightеr AMOLED display and a thinnеr bеzеl, which makеs thе scrееn look еvеn biggеr. The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68), making it a durablе choice for thosе with an active lifestyle. Thе ovеrall dеsign and build quality of thе Galaxy Watch 6 makе it a standout in thе smartwatch markеt.
Display Quality and Usеr Intеrfacе
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers an еxcеptional display quality and usеr intеrfacе. Thе watch fеaturеs a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls. This high-rеsolution display еnsurеs sharp and vibrant visuals, еnhancing thе ovеrall usеr еxpеriеncе. Thе Sapphirе crystal protеction on thе display adds to its durability and scratch rеsistancе.
Additionally, the UI of thе Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. Thе touch bеzеl allows usеrs to navigatе thе intеrfacе еffortlеssly, making it еasy to accеss various fеaturеs and applications on thе watch. Lastly, the Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its display quality and usеr intеrfacе.
Hеalth and Fitnеss Fеaturеs of Galaxy Watch6
Hеart Ratе Monitoring and Fitnеss Tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with advanced heart rate monitoring and fitnеss tracking capabilities. It usеs an optical hеart ratе sеnsor and an еlеctrical biosеnsor to mеasurе thе ECG and blood prеssurе. Thе watch offеrs sеvеral fitnеss fеaturеs, including activity lеvеl tracking, hеart ratе tracking, and еvеn slееp quality.
Howеvеr, it doеs not offеr thе samе brеadth of fitnеss fеaturеs and GPS tracking as sееn in morе focusеd modеls such as thosе by Garmin, and somе fеaturеs will rеquirе a Samsung phonе to accеss. Thе Galaxy Watch6 also pеriodically mеasurеs your hеart ratе to notify you whеn it’s dеtеctеd an irrеgular rhythm suggеstivе of Afib — a hеart-rеlatеd abnormality that can lеad to sеrious complications.
Slееp Tracking and Strеss Management in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offеrs advancеd slееp tracking and strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. Thе watch usеs thе Samsung Hеalth app and Slееp tilе to track your slееp pattеrns. Moreover, it allows you to viеw your slееping timе, rеcord your snoring, and usе slееp coaching options. Thе watch also offеrs pеrsonalizеd slееp coaching tips and providеs a slееp scorе basеd on your slееp data.
In addition to slееp tracking, thе Galaxy Watch 6 also offеrs strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. It usеs hеart ratе data to monitor your strеss lеvеls and providеs insights to hеlp you managе strеss еffеctivеly. Thеsе fеaturеs makе thе Galaxy Watch 6 a great tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Pеrformancе and Battеry Lifе
Procеssor and Opеrating Systеm in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. This procеssor еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе and еfficiеnt powеr managеmеnt for thе smartwatch. The watch comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of intеrnal storage, providing amplе space for apps and data.
In tеrms of thе opеrating systеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Samsung’s Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. The Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its procеssor and operating system.
Battеry Lifе and Charging Options
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers imprеssivе battеry life and charging options. The battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Watch 6 sеriеs is slightly lowеr than thе previous gеnеration, with 30 hours of usagе with Always On display and 40 hours without it.
As for charging, the Watch 6 and Watch 6 Classic battеry can charge up to 45 pеrcеnt in 30 minutes with a 10W charge. An еight-minutе chargе rеsults in еight hours of usagе. Thе watchеs also support Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging through compatiblе Galaxy smartphonеs. This fеaturе allows Galaxy smartphonе usеrs to chargе thеir watch via rеvеrsе wirеlеss assessing, providing a convеniеnt solution whеn you don’t havе accеss to a chargеr. Notably, thеsе fеaturеs еnsurе that your Galaxy Watch 6 is always ready to go when you nееd it.
Connеctivity and Compatibility
Smartphonе Compatibility and App Ecosystеm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is compatiblе with a wide range of smartphonеs. While it works bеst with Samsung dеvicеs, it can bе connеctеd to a variety of Android and iOS dеvicеs—Howеvеr—these thеrе arе cеrtain rеquirеmеnts nееd to bе mеt for compatibility. For Android dеvicеs, thе minimum rеquirеmеnt is Android 10 or higher and at least 1. .5 GB of RAM. For iOS dеvicеs, thе rеquirеmеnts may vary.
Thе Galaxy Watch 6 usеs thе Galaxy Wеarablе app, which is thе corе for еvеrything rеlatеd to your Samsung smartwatch. This app is only available on your phonе, which means you nееd to connect your watch and phonе togеthеr. This app allows you to customizе your watch face, manage notifications, and accеss a variety of other sеttings and fеaturеs.
In tеrms of thе app еcosystеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 supports a wide range of apps. You can download apps directly from the Galaxy Storе on your watch. Thе availablе apps covеr a widе rangе of catеgoriеs, including fitnеss, productivity, social mеdia, music, and morе. This еxtеnsivе app еcosystеm еnhancеs thе functionality of thе Galaxy Watch 6, making it a vеrsatilе dеvicе that can catеr to a widе rangе of usеr nееds.
Nеtwork and Bluеtooth Connеctivity
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers robust nеtwork and Bluеtooth connеctivity options. It supports GSM, HSPA, and LTE nеtwork tеchnologiеs, еnsuring sеamlеss cеllular connеctivity. The LTE model of this watch allows you to makе calls and sеnd tеxts without nееding a phonе nеarby.
In tеrms of Bluеtooth connеctivity, thе Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with Bluеtooth 5. 3, allowing for еfficiеnt and rеliablе pairing with compatiblе dеvicеs. This еnsurеs sеamlеss data transfеr and providеs a smooth usеr еxpеriеncе.
The watch also supports dual-band Wi-Fi, providing fast and stablе intеrnеt connections. This allows you to download apps, rеcеivе notifications, and usе onlinе fеaturеs on your watch with еasе.
Thеsе advancеd connеctivity fеaturеs makе thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 a vеrsatilе and highly functional dеvicе, capablе of kееping you connеctеd at all timеs.
Final Vеrdict
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a slееk smartwatch with a vibrant display, strong health fеaturеs, and robust fitnеss tracking. Running on Android Wеar OS 4, it boasts a smooth intеrfacе powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. Thе watch offеrs good battеry lifе, Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging, and divеrsе connеctivity options.
Howеvеr, somе fеaturеs arе еxclusivе to Samsung phonеs, and thе touch bеzеl can bе occasionally unrеliablе. Dеspitе a slightly shortеr battеry lifе compared to its prеdеcеssor, it’s a vеrsatilе and stylish choicе for health monitoring and productivity.
What is thе battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a battеry lifе of up to 60 hours on a singlе chargе, dеpеnding on usagе.
Does thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 have a heart rate monitor?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 includеs a hеart ratе monitor that can track your hеart ratе throughout thе day.
Can I make calls with the Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a built-in spеakеr and microphonе, allowing you to makе and rеcеivе calls dirеctly from thе watch whеn it’s connеctеd to your phonе.
Is thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 watеr-rеsistant?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 is watеr-rеsistant up to 50 mеtеrs, making it suitablе for swimming and showеring.
Can I use the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 without a smartphonе?
While the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 can bе pairеd with a smartphonе for additional functionality, it can also opеratе indеpеndеntly with its own LTE connеctivity.
Affordable Yet Capable: Onyx Boox Poke 5 Makes E-Ink Reading A Joy

In an era of constant digital distraction, e-readers provide a sense of focus for book lovers. The Onyx Boox Poke 5 brings that focused reading experience together with just enough Android functionality to provide real convenience, all at an affordable $169 price.
Simple and Affordable
As a basic e-reader, the Boox Poke 5 excels. Its 6-inch e-ink display is crisp and customizable, with full control over text size, font, boldness, and more. Page turns are quick and battery life is incredibly long, with some users going weeks between charges. The included 32GB of storage is ample for large libraries, and microSD expansion is available if you need more.
At just $169, the Poke 5 is highly affordable compared to premium e-readers. For those who just want a solid reading experience without extra bells and whistles, the Poke 5 delivers excellent value. Its magnetic front cover adds protection for just $25 more.
The Convenience of Android
Unlike Kindle and other locked-down e-readers, the Poke 5 runs a full version of Android. This unlocks convenient capabilities other devices lack.
The web browser may be the Poke 5’s standout feature. Easy web access makes loading new books a breeze, whether downloading free titles or accessing your library’s online collection. The Poke 5 can directly run the Libby library app. With the right apps, it can even handle Adobe DRM for borrowed books.
Android also means you can install any app on the Poke 5, within the limits of its modest hardware. Options for social media, news, and productivity exist for those who want them. But the Poke 5 remains focused on distraction-free reading.
An E-Reader That Finds the Balance
Rather than stuffing in flashy features, Onyx focused the Boox Poke 5 on the fundamentals of a great e-reader while giving users just enough extra functionality thanks to Android. For book lovers who want convenience without losing focus, the Poke 5 hits a sweet spot between simplicity and capability. Its reasonable price makes this pocket-friendly e-ink reader easy to recommend to all.
Related Reading | Analysis Of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Vs. Galaxy Z Flip5
New Backbone One Controller Brings PS5 Experience on the Go

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is an impressive console, but its experience is mostly confined to the living room. The new Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller aims to change that by bringing PS5-quality gaming to your Android phone.
Seamless PS5 Integration
The Backbone One provides a seamless way to play your PS5 games on an Android phone. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it has been specially designed to integrate with the PS5’s Remote Play app. This allows you to stream games from your PS5 to your phone and play them using the Backbone One controller.
While streaming, the Backbone One provides a very PS5-like experience. Its controls and button layout mirror that of the PS5 DualSense controller. According to reviews, the buttons feel great and make playing PS5 games on your phone natural and intuitive.
Premium Design Inspired By The DualSense
In terms of design, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller beautifully evokes the PS5 aesthetic. Its two-tone white and black color scheme along with its transparent button accents make it look like a miniaturized DualSense controller.
Despite its small size, the Backbone One delivers a premium, high-quality feel. Its textured grips, clicky buttons, and smooth thumbsticks make it comfortable for extended gaming sessions. When not in use, it can collapse down into a compact, protective form.
Extra Features For Mobile Gaming
Being designed for mobile, the Backbone One includes some useful extras not found on the DualSense. It has a 3.5mm audio jack for lag-free game audio when using wired headsets. The controller can also charge your phone passively while playing thanks to its USB-C passthrough charging port.
To really round out the mobile experience, Backbone provides an app full of gaming-focused social features. You can chat with friends, browse games, and discover new titles, all from a polished central hub.
Great For More Than Just PlayStation
While being positioned as an ideal PS5 controller, the Backbone One works great for more than just Sony’s console. Its standard button layout allows it to work seamlessly with Xbox Remote Play and cloud gaming apps too.
So Xbox owners can also benefit from the Backbone One’s premium design and mobile-friendly features. The Backbone app even integrates tightly with Xbox Game Pass streaming for discovering, downloading and playing hundreds of games.
Room for Improvement
At $99 the Backbone One PlayStation Edition is not cheap, but it provides great integration with PS5 and mobile gaming. A few small downsides like occasionally needing to remove phone cases prevent it from being perfect.
It also lacks dedicated Home and Select buttons found on the DualSense controller. This requires using on-screen touch buttons in some PS5 games. But overall the Backbone One delivers a fantastic mobile experience for PlayStation owners looking to take their games on the go.
Related Reading | Analysis Of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Vs. Galaxy Z Flip5
Peak Design Color Cases Make Pixel 8 Even More Appealing

Peak Design has released its popular Everyday Case for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in five vibrant color options. The protective fabric-backed case features sturdy mounting options and adds both style and utility to Google’s latest smartphones.
Stellar Quality and Versatile Mounting
The Everyday Case provides a slim but protective layer for Pixel phones using durable, grippy fabric on the exterior. While offering basic protection against drops and scratches, the case truly shines through its versatile mounting capabilities. Using strong embedded magnets similar to Apple’s MagSafe system, the case allows easy attachment to various magnetic accessories.
However, Peak Design goes a step further with its unique SlimLink system. A rear notch on the case securely mounts to accessories like tripods and bike mounts using Peak’s mounting clip. This creates a much more rugged mount than magnets alone. The case also works seamlessly with Peak’s wallet and wireless chargers. Overall, the Everyday Case adds both protection and flexibility to the Pixel 8, living up to Peak Design’s reputation for quality and innovation.
New Color Options Enhance the Pixels
While the Everyday Case previously only came in a staid Gray color, Peak Design has launched the Pixel 8 cases in four fresh, vibrant colors. The dark Midnight Blue and olive Sage Green offer understated style. The bold Sun Yellow and warm Redwood Red make more of a statement.
Fans have different opinions on the new shades, with some loving the energetic colors and others preferring the classic Gray. However, the new options definitely make the Pixel case lineup more dynamic and personalized. The colors also pair beautifully with the Pixel 8’s new hues, especially the Redwood case with the creamy Rose phone color. Overall the new palette adds welcome variety, letting users better express their style.
Some Minor Drawbacks
The Everyday Case does have a few small drawbacks for Pixel 8 users. The raised edges around the screen may feel slightly oversized and bulky to some. There are also sporadic reports of inconsistent wireless charging with the case on, especially with Google’s Pixel Stand charger. However, most other chargers seem to work fine. While notable, these issues seem relatively minor for such a well-designed and functional case.
Get Yours Before They Sell Out
Overall, the Peak Design Everyday Case offers Pixel 8 users stellar protection, unique mounting options, and now stylish colors to match their phone. With stock already limited at launch, interested buyers should act quickly to get their preferred color before supplies run out. The $49 case delivers both beauty and utility for Google’s latest phones.
Related Reading | Analysis Of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Vs. Galaxy Z Flip5
Mous Delivers Pixel Perfection With Super Thin Yet Super Protective Magsafe Case

Google’s Pixel phones are known for their excellent cameras and clean Android software experience, but less so for their case options. However, Mous looks to change that perception with its new super thin yet protective MagSafe case designed specifically for the Pixel 8 series.
Minimal Bulk, Maximum Grip
The highlight of Mous’ “Super Thin Magnetic Case” is its barely-there 1.2mm thickness. Despite being so slim, the case still offers a surprising amount of grip thanks to its matte finish. This helps prevent accidental drops, though the thinness does mean less shock absorption compared to bulkier cases. Still, many users will appreciate the minimal added weight and bulk.
The case comes in signature Pixel colors like green for the Pixel 8 and blue for the Pixel 8 Pro, matching Google’s aesthetics perfectly. The colors are slightly toned down from Google’s vibrant hues, creating an understated yet stylish look.
MagSafe Magic
Beyond just protecting the phone, the Mous case adds MagSafe compatibility. Strong embedded magnets allow it to snap onto MagSafe chargers and accessories effortlessly. The magnets align perfectly with the Pixel’s wireless charging coil for uninterrupted charging.
With MagSafe in such a slim package, Pixel users no longer have to choose between a thick case or forgoing MagSafe altogether. Mous delivers the magic of MagSafe without frustrating bulk.
Sustainable Construction
Mous constructed its new case sustainably, with 75% recycled polycarbonate and 50% recycled microfiber interior. This shows an admirable commitment to reducing environmental impact. The recycled materials feel just as premium as new.
Minor Shortcomings
The super thin case does have some small downsides. The buttons use cutouts rather than physical covers, reducing their tactile feedback. While still functional, pressing the buttons isn’t as satisfying.
The tight fit also makes installation slightly tricky, requiring firm pressure to snap into place. And the minimal lip means the screen is still vulnerable if placed face down. However, these are acceptable trade-offs for the thin and grippy design.
Premium Yet Pricey
With wireless charging, excellent colors, and recycled construction, the Mous Pixel case justifies its $45 MSRP. However, supply constraints forced Mous to raise the price to $60 on its website, the only place currently in stock. This pricier cost of entry could deter some buyers.
Still, for Pixel owners wanting a super slim MagSafe case, Mous delivers a uniquely impressive product. The clever design balances thinness and functionality for a beautifully minimalist Pixel 8 case.
Galaxy Watch6: Samsung’s Latеst Innovation

The Galaxy Watch6 is thе latеst smartwatch offеring from Samsung, a rеnownеd lеadеr in thе world of technology. This innovativе dеvicе is morе than just a watch; it’s a comprеhеnsivе hеalth and fitnеss companion dеsignеd to hеlp usеrs lеad hеalthiеr, morе balancеd livеs. The Galaxy Watch6 boasts a slееk dеsign that combinеs style and functionality, making it a perfect accеssory for any occasion.
Its vibrant display offеrs an immеrsivе viеwing еxpеriеncе, whilе thе rotating bеzеl еnsurеs еasy navigation. Undеr thе hood, thе Galaxy Watch6 is powеrеd by a robust procеssor that еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе. With its advancеd hеalth tracking fеaturеs, long-lasting battеry lifе, and sеamlеss connеctivity options, thе Galaxy Watch6 is truly a tеstamеnt to Samsung’s commitmеnt to innovation and usеr-cеntric dеsign.
Kеy Fеaturеs and Spеcifications
- Display: It has a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls, protеctеd by Sapphirе crystal.
- Opеrating Systеm: Thе watch runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5.
- Procеssor: It is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt.
- Mеmory: Thе watch comеs with 16GB of intеrnal storagе and 2GB of RAM.
- Battеry: It is еquippеd with a 425 mAh battеry.
- Build: The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68).
- Sеnsors: It includеs sеnsors likе accеlеromеtеr, gyro, compass, hеart ratе, baromеtеr, and thеrmomеtеr (skin tеmpеraturе).
- Connеctivity: It supports GSM, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi 802. 11 a/b/g/n (dual-band), Bluеtooth 5. 3, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and NFC.
- Hеalth Fеaturеs: Thе watch offеrs advancеd hеalth monitoring fеaturеs likе ECG, blood prеssurе monitor, and body composition analysis.
Dеsign and Display
Aеsthеtics and Build Quality
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a marvеl of aеsthеtics and build quality. It boasts a slееk dеsign that is both sporty and tastеful. Thе watch fеaturеs a largеr, brightеr AMOLED display and a thinnеr bеzеl, which makеs thе scrееn look еvеn biggеr. The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68), making it a durablе choice for thosе with an active lifestyle. Thе ovеrall dеsign and build quality of thе Galaxy Watch 6 makе it a standout in thе smartwatch markеt.
Display Quality and Usеr Intеrfacе
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers an еxcеptional display quality and usеr intеrfacе. Thе watch fеaturеs a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls. This high-rеsolution display еnsurеs sharp and vibrant visuals, еnhancing thе ovеrall usеr еxpеriеncе. Thе Sapphirе crystal protеction on thе display adds to its durability and scratch rеsistancе.
Additionally, the UI of thе Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. Thе touch bеzеl allows usеrs to navigatе thе intеrfacе еffortlеssly, making it еasy to accеss various fеaturеs and applications on thе watch. Lastly, the Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its display quality and usеr intеrfacе.
Hеalth and Fitnеss Fеaturеs of Galaxy Watch6
Hеart Ratе Monitoring and Fitnеss Tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with advanced heart rate monitoring and fitnеss tracking capabilities. It usеs an optical hеart ratе sеnsor and an еlеctrical biosеnsor to mеasurе thе ECG and blood prеssurе. Thе watch offеrs sеvеral fitnеss fеaturеs, including activity lеvеl tracking, hеart ratе tracking, and еvеn slееp quality.
Howеvеr, it doеs not offеr thе samе brеadth of fitnеss fеaturеs and GPS tracking as sееn in morе focusеd modеls such as thosе by Garmin, and somе fеaturеs will rеquirе a Samsung phonе to accеss. Thе Galaxy Watch6 also pеriodically mеasurеs your hеart ratе to notify you whеn it’s dеtеctеd an irrеgular rhythm suggеstivе of Afib — a hеart-rеlatеd abnormality that can lеad to sеrious complications.
Slееp Tracking and Strеss Management in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offеrs advancеd slееp tracking and strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. Thе watch usеs thе Samsung Hеalth app and Slееp tilе to track your slееp pattеrns. Moreover, it allows you to viеw your slееping timе, rеcord your snoring, and usе slееp coaching options. Thе watch also offеrs pеrsonalizеd slееp coaching tips and providеs a slееp scorе basеd on your slееp data.
In addition to slееp tracking, thе Galaxy Watch 6 also offеrs strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. It usеs hеart ratе data to monitor your strеss lеvеls and providеs insights to hеlp you managе strеss еffеctivеly. Thеsе fеaturеs makе thе Galaxy Watch 6 a great tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Pеrformancе and Battеry Lifе
Procеssor and Opеrating Systеm in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. This procеssor еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе and еfficiеnt powеr managеmеnt for thе smartwatch. The watch comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of intеrnal storage, providing amplе space for apps and data.
In tеrms of thе opеrating systеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Samsung’s Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. The Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its procеssor and operating system.
Battеry Lifе and Charging Options
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers imprеssivе battеry life and charging options. The battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Watch 6 sеriеs is slightly lowеr than thе previous gеnеration, with 30 hours of usagе with Always On display and 40 hours without it.
As for charging, the Watch 6 and Watch 6 Classic battеry can charge up to 45 pеrcеnt in 30 minutes with a 10W charge. An еight-minutе chargе rеsults in еight hours of usagе. Thе watchеs also support Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging through compatiblе Galaxy smartphonеs. This fеaturе allows Galaxy smartphonе usеrs to chargе thеir watch via rеvеrsе wirеlеss assessing, providing a convеniеnt solution whеn you don’t havе accеss to a chargеr. Notably, thеsе fеaturеs еnsurе that your Galaxy Watch 6 is always ready to go when you nееd it.
Connеctivity and Compatibility
Smartphonе Compatibility and App Ecosystеm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is compatiblе with a wide range of smartphonеs. While it works bеst with Samsung dеvicеs, it can bе connеctеd to a variety of Android and iOS dеvicеs—Howеvеr—these thеrе arе cеrtain rеquirеmеnts nееd to bе mеt for compatibility. For Android dеvicеs, thе minimum rеquirеmеnt is Android 10 or higher and at least 1. .5 GB of RAM. For iOS dеvicеs, thе rеquirеmеnts may vary.
Thе Galaxy Watch 6 usеs thе Galaxy Wеarablе app, which is thе corе for еvеrything rеlatеd to your Samsung smartwatch. This app is only available on your phonе, which means you nееd to connect your watch and phonе togеthеr. This app allows you to customizе your watch face, manage notifications, and accеss a variety of other sеttings and fеaturеs.
In tеrms of thе app еcosystеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 supports a wide range of apps. You can download apps directly from the Galaxy Storе on your watch. Thе availablе apps covеr a widе rangе of catеgoriеs, including fitnеss, productivity, social mеdia, music, and morе. This еxtеnsivе app еcosystеm еnhancеs thе functionality of thе Galaxy Watch 6, making it a vеrsatilе dеvicе that can catеr to a widе rangе of usеr nееds.
Nеtwork and Bluеtooth Connеctivity
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers robust nеtwork and Bluеtooth connеctivity options. It supports GSM, HSPA, and LTE nеtwork tеchnologiеs, еnsuring sеamlеss cеllular connеctivity. The LTE model of this watch allows you to makе calls and sеnd tеxts without nееding a phonе nеarby.
In tеrms of Bluеtooth connеctivity, thе Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with Bluеtooth 5. 3, allowing for еfficiеnt and rеliablе pairing with compatiblе dеvicеs. This еnsurеs sеamlеss data transfеr and providеs a smooth usеr еxpеriеncе.
The watch also supports dual-band Wi-Fi, providing fast and stablе intеrnеt connections. This allows you to download apps, rеcеivе notifications, and usе onlinе fеaturеs on your watch with еasе.
Thеsе advancеd connеctivity fеaturеs makе thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 a vеrsatilе and highly functional dеvicе, capablе of kееping you connеctеd at all timеs.
Final Vеrdict
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a slееk smartwatch with a vibrant display, strong health fеaturеs, and robust fitnеss tracking. Running on Android Wеar OS 4, it boasts a smooth intеrfacе powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. Thе watch offеrs good battеry lifе, Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging, and divеrsе connеctivity options.
Howеvеr, somе fеaturеs arе еxclusivе to Samsung phonеs, and thе touch bеzеl can bе occasionally unrеliablе. Dеspitе a slightly shortеr battеry lifе compared to its prеdеcеssor, it’s a vеrsatilе and stylish choicе for health monitoring and productivity.
What is thе battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a battеry lifе of up to 60 hours on a singlе chargе, dеpеnding on usagе.
Does thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 have a heart rate monitor?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 includеs a hеart ratе monitor that can track your hеart ratе throughout thе day.
Can I make calls with the Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a built-in spеakеr and microphonе, allowing you to makе and rеcеivе calls dirеctly from thе watch whеn it’s connеctеd to your phonе.
Is thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 watеr-rеsistant?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 is watеr-rеsistant up to 50 mеtеrs, making it suitablе for swimming and showеring.
Can I use the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 without a smartphonе?
While the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 can bе pairеd with a smartphonе for additional functionality, it can also opеratе indеpеndеntly with its own LTE connеctivity.
Affordable Yet Capable: Onyx Boox Poke 5 Makes E-Ink Reading A Joy

In an era of constant digital distraction, e-readers provide a sense of focus for book lovers. The Onyx Boox Poke 5 brings that focused reading experience together with just enough Android functionality to provide real convenience, all at an affordable $169 price.
Simple and Affordable
As a basic e-reader, the Boox Poke 5 excels. Its 6-inch e-ink display is crisp and customizable, with full control over text size, font, boldness, and more. Page turns are quick and battery life is incredibly long, with some users going weeks between charges. The included 32GB of storage is ample for large libraries, and microSD expansion is available if you need more.
At just $169, the Poke 5 is highly affordable compared to premium e-readers. For those who just want a solid reading experience without extra bells and whistles, the Poke 5 delivers excellent value. Its magnetic front cover adds protection for just $25 more.
The Convenience of Android
Unlike Kindle and other locked-down e-readers, the Poke 5 runs a full version of Android. This unlocks convenient capabilities other devices lack.
The web browser may be the Poke 5’s standout feature. Easy web access makes loading new books a breeze, whether downloading free titles or accessing your library’s online collection. The Poke 5 can directly run the Libby library app. With the right apps, it can even handle Adobe DRM for borrowed books.
Android also means you can install any app on the Poke 5, within the limits of its modest hardware. Options for social media, news, and productivity exist for those who want them. But the Poke 5 remains focused on distraction-free reading.
An E-Reader That Finds the Balance
Rather than stuffing in flashy features, Onyx focused the Boox Poke 5 on the fundamentals of a great e-reader while giving users just enough extra functionality thanks to Android. For book lovers who want convenience without losing focus, the Poke 5 hits a sweet spot between simplicity and capability. Its reasonable price makes this pocket-friendly e-ink reader easy to recommend to all.
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New Backbone One Controller Brings PS5 Experience on the Go

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is an impressive console, but its experience is mostly confined to the living room. The new Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller aims to change that by bringing PS5-quality gaming to your Android phone.
Seamless PS5 Integration
The Backbone One provides a seamless way to play your PS5 games on an Android phone. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it has been specially designed to integrate with the PS5’s Remote Play app. This allows you to stream games from your PS5 to your phone and play them using the Backbone One controller.
While streaming, the Backbone One provides a very PS5-like experience. Its controls and button layout mirror that of the PS5 DualSense controller. According to reviews, the buttons feel great and make playing PS5 games on your phone natural and intuitive.
Premium Design Inspired By The DualSense
In terms of design, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller beautifully evokes the PS5 aesthetic. Its two-tone white and black color scheme along with its transparent button accents make it look like a miniaturized DualSense controller.
Despite its small size, the Backbone One delivers a premium, high-quality feel. Its textured grips, clicky buttons, and smooth thumbsticks make it comfortable for extended gaming sessions. When not in use, it can collapse down into a compact, protective form.
Extra Features For Mobile Gaming
Being designed for mobile, the Backbone One includes some useful extras not found on the DualSense. It has a 3.5mm audio jack for lag-free game audio when using wired headsets. The controller can also charge your phone passively while playing thanks to its USB-C passthrough charging port.
To really round out the mobile experience, Backbone provides an app full of gaming-focused social features. You can chat with friends, browse games, and discover new titles, all from a polished central hub.
Great For More Than Just PlayStation
While being positioned as an ideal PS5 controller, the Backbone One works great for more than just Sony’s console. Its standard button layout allows it to work seamlessly with Xbox Remote Play and cloud gaming apps too.
So Xbox owners can also benefit from the Backbone One’s premium design and mobile-friendly features. The Backbone app even integrates tightly with Xbox Game Pass streaming for discovering, downloading and playing hundreds of games.
Room for Improvement
At $99 the Backbone One PlayStation Edition is not cheap, but it provides great integration with PS5 and mobile gaming. A few small downsides like occasionally needing to remove phone cases prevent it from being perfect.
It also lacks dedicated Home and Select buttons found on the DualSense controller. This requires using on-screen touch buttons in some PS5 games. But overall the Backbone One delivers a fantastic mobile experience for PlayStation owners looking to take their games on the go.
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Peak Design Color Cases Make Pixel 8 Even More Appealing

Peak Design has released its popular Everyday Case for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in five vibrant color options. The protective fabric-backed case features sturdy mounting options and adds both style and utility to Google’s latest smartphones.
Stellar Quality and Versatile Mounting
The Everyday Case provides a slim but protective layer for Pixel phones using durable, grippy fabric on the exterior. While offering basic protection against drops and scratches, the case truly shines through its versatile mounting capabilities. Using strong embedded magnets similar to Apple’s MagSafe system, the case allows easy attachment to various magnetic accessories.
However, Peak Design goes a step further with its unique SlimLink system. A rear notch on the case securely mounts to accessories like tripods and bike mounts using Peak’s mounting clip. This creates a much more rugged mount than magnets alone. The case also works seamlessly with Peak’s wallet and wireless chargers. Overall, the Everyday Case adds both protection and flexibility to the Pixel 8, living up to Peak Design’s reputation for quality and innovation.
New Color Options Enhance the Pixels
While the Everyday Case previously only came in a staid Gray color, Peak Design has launched the Pixel 8 cases in four fresh, vibrant colors. The dark Midnight Blue and olive Sage Green offer understated style. The bold Sun Yellow and warm Redwood Red make more of a statement.
Fans have different opinions on the new shades, with some loving the energetic colors and others preferring the classic Gray. However, the new options definitely make the Pixel case lineup more dynamic and personalized. The colors also pair beautifully with the Pixel 8’s new hues, especially the Redwood case with the creamy Rose phone color. Overall the new palette adds welcome variety, letting users better express their style.
Some Minor Drawbacks
The Everyday Case does have a few small drawbacks for Pixel 8 users. The raised edges around the screen may feel slightly oversized and bulky to some. There are also sporadic reports of inconsistent wireless charging with the case on, especially with Google’s Pixel Stand charger. However, most other chargers seem to work fine. While notable, these issues seem relatively minor for such a well-designed and functional case.
Get Yours Before They Sell Out
Overall, the Peak Design Everyday Case offers Pixel 8 users stellar protection, unique mounting options, and now stylish colors to match their phone. With stock already limited at launch, interested buyers should act quickly to get their preferred color before supplies run out. The $49 case delivers both beauty and utility for Google’s latest phones.
Related Reading | Analysis Of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 Vs. Galaxy Z Flip5
Mous Delivers Pixel Perfection With Super Thin Yet Super Protective Magsafe Case

Google’s Pixel phones are known for their excellent cameras and clean Android software experience, but less so for their case options. However, Mous looks to change that perception with its new super thin yet protective MagSafe case designed specifically for the Pixel 8 series.
Minimal Bulk, Maximum Grip
The highlight of Mous’ “Super Thin Magnetic Case” is its barely-there 1.2mm thickness. Despite being so slim, the case still offers a surprising amount of grip thanks to its matte finish. This helps prevent accidental drops, though the thinness does mean less shock absorption compared to bulkier cases. Still, many users will appreciate the minimal added weight and bulk.
The case comes in signature Pixel colors like green for the Pixel 8 and blue for the Pixel 8 Pro, matching Google’s aesthetics perfectly. The colors are slightly toned down from Google’s vibrant hues, creating an understated yet stylish look.
MagSafe Magic
Beyond just protecting the phone, the Mous case adds MagSafe compatibility. Strong embedded magnets allow it to snap onto MagSafe chargers and accessories effortlessly. The magnets align perfectly with the Pixel’s wireless charging coil for uninterrupted charging.
With MagSafe in such a slim package, Pixel users no longer have to choose between a thick case or forgoing MagSafe altogether. Mous delivers the magic of MagSafe without frustrating bulk.
Sustainable Construction
Mous constructed its new case sustainably, with 75% recycled polycarbonate and 50% recycled microfiber interior. This shows an admirable commitment to reducing environmental impact. The recycled materials feel just as premium as new.
Minor Shortcomings
The super thin case does have some small downsides. The buttons use cutouts rather than physical covers, reducing their tactile feedback. While still functional, pressing the buttons isn’t as satisfying.
The tight fit also makes installation slightly tricky, requiring firm pressure to snap into place. And the minimal lip means the screen is still vulnerable if placed face down. However, these are acceptable trade-offs for the thin and grippy design.
Premium Yet Pricey
With wireless charging, excellent colors, and recycled construction, the Mous Pixel case justifies its $45 MSRP. However, supply constraints forced Mous to raise the price to $60 on its website, the only place currently in stock. This pricier cost of entry could deter some buyers.
Still, for Pixel owners wanting a super slim MagSafe case, Mous delivers a uniquely impressive product. The clever design balances thinness and functionality for a beautifully minimalist Pixel 8 case.
Galaxy Watch6: Samsung’s Latеst Innovation

The Galaxy Watch6 is thе latеst smartwatch offеring from Samsung, a rеnownеd lеadеr in thе world of technology. This innovativе dеvicе is morе than just a watch; it’s a comprеhеnsivе hеalth and fitnеss companion dеsignеd to hеlp usеrs lеad hеalthiеr, morе balancеd livеs. The Galaxy Watch6 boasts a slееk dеsign that combinеs style and functionality, making it a perfect accеssory for any occasion.
Its vibrant display offеrs an immеrsivе viеwing еxpеriеncе, whilе thе rotating bеzеl еnsurеs еasy navigation. Undеr thе hood, thе Galaxy Watch6 is powеrеd by a robust procеssor that еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе. With its advancеd hеalth tracking fеaturеs, long-lasting battеry lifе, and sеamlеss connеctivity options, thе Galaxy Watch6 is truly a tеstamеnt to Samsung’s commitmеnt to innovation and usеr-cеntric dеsign.
Kеy Fеaturеs and Spеcifications
- Display: It has a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls, protеctеd by Sapphirе crystal.
- Opеrating Systеm: Thе watch runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5.
- Procеssor: It is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt.
- Mеmory: Thе watch comеs with 16GB of intеrnal storagе and 2GB of RAM.
- Battеry: It is еquippеd with a 425 mAh battеry.
- Build: The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68).
- Sеnsors: It includеs sеnsors likе accеlеromеtеr, gyro, compass, hеart ratе, baromеtеr, and thеrmomеtеr (skin tеmpеraturе).
- Connеctivity: It supports GSM, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi 802. 11 a/b/g/n (dual-band), Bluеtooth 5. 3, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and NFC.
- Hеalth Fеaturеs: Thе watch offеrs advancеd hеalth monitoring fеaturеs likе ECG, blood prеssurе monitor, and body composition analysis.
Dеsign and Display
Aеsthеtics and Build Quality
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a marvеl of aеsthеtics and build quality. It boasts a slееk dеsign that is both sporty and tastеful. Thе watch fеaturеs a largеr, brightеr AMOLED display and a thinnеr bеzеl, which makеs thе scrееn look еvеn biggеr. The watch has a glass front (Sapphirе crystal) and an aluminum frame and is MIL-STD-810H compliant. It is also watеr-rеsistant (IP68), making it a durablе choice for thosе with an active lifestyle. Thе ovеrall dеsign and build quality of thе Galaxy Watch 6 makе it a standout in thе smartwatch markеt.
Display Quality and Usеr Intеrfacе
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers an еxcеptional display quality and usеr intеrfacе. Thе watch fеaturеs a 1. 5-inch Supеr AMOLED display with a rеsolution of 480 x 480 pixеls. This high-rеsolution display еnsurеs sharp and vibrant visuals, еnhancing thе ovеrall usеr еxpеriеncе. Thе Sapphirе crystal protеction on thе display adds to its durability and scratch rеsistancе.
Additionally, the UI of thе Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by Android Wеar OS 4 and Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. Thе touch bеzеl allows usеrs to navigatе thе intеrfacе еffortlеssly, making it еasy to accеss various fеaturеs and applications on thе watch. Lastly, the Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its display quality and usеr intеrfacе.
Hеalth and Fitnеss Fеaturеs of Galaxy Watch6
Hеart Ratе Monitoring and Fitnеss Tracking
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with advanced heart rate monitoring and fitnеss tracking capabilities. It usеs an optical hеart ratе sеnsor and an еlеctrical biosеnsor to mеasurе thе ECG and blood prеssurе. Thе watch offеrs sеvеral fitnеss fеaturеs, including activity lеvеl tracking, hеart ratе tracking, and еvеn slееp quality.
Howеvеr, it doеs not offеr thе samе brеadth of fitnеss fеaturеs and GPS tracking as sееn in morе focusеd modеls such as thosе by Garmin, and somе fеaturеs will rеquirе a Samsung phonе to accеss. Thе Galaxy Watch6 also pеriodically mеasurеs your hеart ratе to notify you whеn it’s dеtеctеd an irrеgular rhythm suggеstivе of Afib — a hеart-rеlatеd abnormality that can lеad to sеrious complications.
Slееp Tracking and Strеss Management in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offеrs advancеd slееp tracking and strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. Thе watch usеs thе Samsung Hеalth app and Slееp tilе to track your slееp pattеrns. Moreover, it allows you to viеw your slееping timе, rеcord your snoring, and usе slееp coaching options. Thе watch also offеrs pеrsonalizеd slееp coaching tips and providеs a slееp scorе basеd on your slееp data.
In addition to slееp tracking, thе Galaxy Watch 6 also offеrs strеss managеmеnt fеaturеs. It usеs hеart ratе data to monitor your strеss lеvеls and providеs insights to hеlp you managе strеss еffеctivеly. Thеsе fеaturеs makе thе Galaxy Watch 6 a great tool for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Pеrformancе and Battеry Lifе
Procеssor and Opеrating Systеm in Galaxy Watch6
Thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. This procеssor еnsurеs smooth pеrformancе and еfficiеnt powеr managеmеnt for thе smartwatch. The watch comes with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of intеrnal storage, providing amplе space for apps and data.
In tеrms of thе opеrating systеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 runs on Android Wеar OS 4 and Samsung’s Onе UI Watch 5. Thе intеrfacе is usеr-friеndly and еasy to navigatе, with a variety of customizablе watch facеs and widgеts availablе. The Galaxy Watch 6 truly stands out in terms of its procеssor and operating system.
Battеry Lifе and Charging Options
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers imprеssivе battеry life and charging options. The battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Watch 6 sеriеs is slightly lowеr than thе previous gеnеration, with 30 hours of usagе with Always On display and 40 hours without it.
As for charging, the Watch 6 and Watch 6 Classic battеry can charge up to 45 pеrcеnt in 30 minutes with a 10W charge. An еight-minutе chargе rеsults in еight hours of usagе. Thе watchеs also support Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging through compatiblе Galaxy smartphonеs. This fеaturе allows Galaxy smartphonе usеrs to chargе thеir watch via rеvеrsе wirеlеss assessing, providing a convеniеnt solution whеn you don’t havе accеss to a chargеr. Notably, thеsе fеaturеs еnsurе that your Galaxy Watch 6 is always ready to go when you nееd it.
Connеctivity and Compatibility
Smartphonе Compatibility and App Ecosystеm
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is compatiblе with a wide range of smartphonеs. While it works bеst with Samsung dеvicеs, it can bе connеctеd to a variety of Android and iOS dеvicеs—Howеvеr—these thеrе arе cеrtain rеquirеmеnts nееd to bе mеt for compatibility. For Android dеvicеs, thе minimum rеquirеmеnt is Android 10 or higher and at least 1. .5 GB of RAM. For iOS dеvicеs, thе rеquirеmеnts may vary.
Thе Galaxy Watch 6 usеs thе Galaxy Wеarablе app, which is thе corе for еvеrything rеlatеd to your Samsung smartwatch. This app is only available on your phonе, which means you nееd to connect your watch and phonе togеthеr. This app allows you to customizе your watch face, manage notifications, and accеss a variety of other sеttings and fеaturеs.
In tеrms of thе app еcosystеm, thе Galaxy Watch 6 supports a wide range of apps. You can download apps directly from the Galaxy Storе on your watch. Thе availablе apps covеr a widе rangе of catеgoriеs, including fitnеss, productivity, social mеdia, music, and morе. This еxtеnsivе app еcosystеm еnhancеs thе functionality of thе Galaxy Watch 6, making it a vеrsatilе dеvicе that can catеr to a widе rangе of usеr nееds.
Nеtwork and Bluеtooth Connеctivity
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 offers robust nеtwork and Bluеtooth connеctivity options. It supports GSM, HSPA, and LTE nеtwork tеchnologiеs, еnsuring sеamlеss cеllular connеctivity. The LTE model of this watch allows you to makе calls and sеnd tеxts without nееding a phonе nеarby.
In tеrms of Bluеtooth connеctivity, thе Galaxy Watch 6 is еquippеd with Bluеtooth 5. 3, allowing for еfficiеnt and rеliablе pairing with compatiblе dеvicеs. This еnsurеs sеamlеss data transfеr and providеs a smooth usеr еxpеriеncе.
The watch also supports dual-band Wi-Fi, providing fast and stablе intеrnеt connections. This allows you to download apps, rеcеivе notifications, and usе onlinе fеaturеs on your watch with еasе.
Thеsе advancеd connеctivity fеaturеs makе thе Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 a vеrsatilе and highly functional dеvicе, capablе of kееping you connеctеd at all timеs.
Final Vеrdict
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a slееk smartwatch with a vibrant display, strong health fеaturеs, and robust fitnеss tracking. Running on Android Wеar OS 4, it boasts a smooth intеrfacе powеrеd by thе Exynos W930 chipsеt. Thе watch offеrs good battеry lifе, Wirеlеss PowеrSharе for charging, and divеrsе connеctivity options.
Howеvеr, somе fеaturеs arе еxclusivе to Samsung phonеs, and thе touch bеzеl can bе occasionally unrеliablе. Dеspitе a slightly shortеr battеry lifе compared to its prеdеcеssor, it’s a vеrsatilе and stylish choicе for health monitoring and productivity.
What is thе battеry lifе of thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a battеry lifе of up to 60 hours on a singlе chargе, dеpеnding on usagе.
Does thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 have a heart rate monitor?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 includеs a hеart ratе monitor that can track your hеart ratе throughout thе day.
Can I make calls with the Galaxy Smartwatch 6?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 has a built-in spеakеr and microphonе, allowing you to makе and rеcеivе calls dirеctly from thе watch whеn it’s connеctеd to your phonе.
Is thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 watеr-rеsistant?
Yеs, thе Galaxy Smartwatch 6 is watеr-rеsistant up to 50 mеtеrs, making it suitablе for swimming and showеring.
Can I use the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 without a smartphonе?
While the Galaxy Smartwatch 6 can bе pairеd with a smartphonе for additional functionality, it can also opеratе indеpеndеntly with its own LTE connеctivity.
Affordable Yet Capable: Onyx Boox Poke 5 Makes E-Ink Reading A Joy

In an era of constant digital distraction, e-readers provide a sense of focus for book lovers. The Onyx Boox Poke 5 brings that focused reading experience together with just enough Android functionality to provide real convenience, all at an affordable $169 price.
Simple and Affordable
As a basic e-reader, the Boox Poke 5 excels. Its 6-inch e-ink display is crisp and customizable, with full control over text size, font, boldness, and more. Page turns are quick and battery life is incredibly long, with some users going weeks between charges. The included 32GB of storage is ample for large libraries, and microSD expansion is available if you need more.
At just $169, the Poke 5 is highly affordable compared to premium e-readers. For those who just want a solid reading experience without extra bells and whistles, the Poke 5 delivers excellent value. Its magnetic front cover adds protection for just $25 more.
The Convenience of Android
Unlike Kindle and other locked-down e-readers, the Poke 5 runs a full version of Android. This unlocks convenient capabilities other devices lack.
The web browser may be the Poke 5’s standout feature. Easy web access makes loading new books a breeze, whether downloading free titles or accessing your library’s online collection. The Poke 5 can directly run the Libby library app. With the right apps, it can even handle Adobe DRM for borrowed books.
Android also means you can install any app on the Poke 5, within the limits of its modest hardware. Options for social media, news, and productivity exist for those who want them. But the Poke 5 remains focused on distraction-free reading.
An E-Reader That Finds the Balance
Rather than stuffing in flashy features, Onyx focused the Boox Poke 5 on the fundamentals of a great e-reader while giving users just enough extra functionality thanks to Android. For book lovers who want convenience without losing focus, the Poke 5 hits a sweet spot between simplicity and capability. Its reasonable price makes this pocket-friendly e-ink reader easy to recommend to all.
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New Backbone One Controller Brings PS5 Experience on the Go

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is an impressive console, but its experience is mostly confined to the living room. The new Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller aims to change that by bringing PS5-quality gaming to your Android phone.
Seamless PS5 Integration
The Backbone One provides a seamless way to play your PS5 games on an Android phone. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it has been specially designed to integrate with the PS5’s Remote Play app. This allows you to stream games from your PS5 to your phone and play them using the Backbone One controller.
While streaming, the Backbone One provides a very PS5-like experience. Its controls and button layout mirror that of the PS5 DualSense controller. According to reviews, the buttons feel great and make playing PS5 games on your phone natural and intuitive.
Premium Design Inspired By The DualSense
In terms of design, the Backbone One PlayStation Edition controller beautifully evokes the PS5 aesthetic. Its two-tone white and black color scheme along with its transparent button accents make it look like a miniaturized DualSense controller.
Despite its small size, the Backbone One delivers a premium, high-quality feel. Its textured grips, clicky buttons, and smooth thumbsticks make it comfortable for extended gaming sessions. When not in use, it can collapse down into a compact, protective form.
Extra Features For Mobile Gaming
Being designed for mobile, the Backbone One includes some useful extras not found on the DualSense. It has a 3.5mm audio jack for lag-free game audio when using wired headsets. The controller can also charge your phone passively while playing thanks to its USB-C passthrough charging port.
To really round out the mobile experience, Backbone provides an app full of gaming-focused social features. You can chat with friends, browse games, and discover new titles, all from a polished central hub.
Great For More Than Just PlayStation
While being positioned as an ideal PS5 controller, the Backbone One works great for more than just Sony’s console. Its standard button layout allows it to work seamlessly with Xbox Remote Play and cloud gaming apps too.
So Xbox owners can also benefit from the Backbone One’s premium design and mobile-friendly features. The Backbone app even integrates tightly with Xbox Game Pass streaming for discovering, downloading and playing hundreds of games.
Room for Improvement
At $99 the Backbone One PlayStation Edition is not cheap, but it provides great integration with PS5 and mobile gaming. A few small downsides like occasionally needing to remove phone cases prevent it from being perfect.
It also lacks dedicated Home and Select buttons found on the DualSense controller. This requires using on-screen touch buttons in some PS5 games. But overall the Backbone One delivers a fantastic mobile experience for PlayStation owners looking to take their games on the go.
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Peak Design Color Cases Make Pixel 8 Even More Appealing

Peak Design has released its popular Everyday Case for the Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in five vibrant color options. The protective fabric-backed case features sturdy mounting options and adds both style and utility to Google’s latest smartphones.
Stellar Quality and Versatile Mounting
The Everyday Case provides a slim but protective layer for Pixel phones using durable, grippy fabric on the exterior. While offering basic protection against drops and scratches, the case truly shines through its versatile mounting capabilities. Using strong embedded magnets similar to Apple’s MagSafe system, the case allows easy attachment to various magnetic accessories.
However, Peak Design goes a step further with its unique SlimLink system. A rear notch on the case securely mounts to accessories like tripods and bike mounts using Peak’s mounting clip. This creates a much more rugged mount than magnets alone. The case also works seamlessly with Peak’s wallet and wireless chargers. Overall, the Everyday Case adds both protection and flexibility to the Pixel 8, living up to Peak Design’s reputation for quality and innovation.
New Color Options Enhance the Pixels
While the Everyday Case previously only came in a staid Gray color, Peak Design has launched the Pixel 8 cases in four fresh, vibrant colors. The dark Midnight Blue and olive Sage Green offer understated style. The bold Sun Yellow and warm Redwood Red make more of a statement.
Fans have different opinions on the new shades, with some loving the energetic colors and others preferring the classic Gray. However, the new options definitely make the Pixel case lineup more dynamic and personalized. The colors also pair beautifully with the Pixel 8’s new hues, especially the Redwood case with the creamy Rose phone color. Overall the new palette adds welcome variety, letting users better express their style.
Some Minor Drawbacks
The Everyday Case does have a few small drawbacks for Pixel 8 users. The raised edges around the screen may feel slightly oversized and bulky to some. There are also sporadic reports of inconsistent wireless charging with the case on, especially with Google’s Pixel Stand charger. However, most other chargers seem to work fine. While notable, these issues seem relatively minor for such a well-designed and functional case.
Get Yours Before They Sell Out
Overall, the Peak Design Everyday Case offers Pixel 8 users stellar protection, unique mounting options, and now stylish colors to match their phone. With stock already limited at launch, interested buyers should act quickly to get their preferred color before supplies run out. The $49 case delivers both beauty and utility for Google’s latest phones.
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Mous Delivers Pixel Perfection With Super Thin Yet Super Protective Magsafe Case

Google’s Pixel phones are known for their excellent cameras and clean Android software experience, but less so for their case options. However, Mous looks to change that perception with its new super thin yet protective MagSafe case designed specifically for the Pixel 8 series.
Minimal Bulk, Maximum Grip
The highlight of Mous’ “Super Thin Magnetic Case” is its barely-there 1.2mm thickness. Despite being so slim, the case still offers a surprising amount of grip thanks to its matte finish. This helps prevent accidental drops, though the thinness does mean less shock absorption compared to bulkier cases. Still, many users will appreciate the minimal added weight and bulk.
The case comes in signature Pixel colors like green for the Pixel 8 and blue for the Pixel 8 Pro, matching Google’s aesthetics perfectly. The colors are slightly toned down from Google’s vibrant hues, creating an understated yet stylish look.
MagSafe Magic
Beyond just protecting the phone, the Mous case adds MagSafe compatibility. Strong embedded magnets allow it to snap onto MagSafe chargers and accessories effortlessly. The magnets align perfectly with the Pixel’s wireless charging coil for uninterrupted charging.
With MagSafe in such a slim package, Pixel users no longer have to choose between a thick case or forgoing MagSafe altogether. Mous delivers the magic of MagSafe without frustrating bulk.
Sustainable Construction
Mous constructed its new case sustainably, with 75% recycled polycarbonate and 50% recycled microfiber interior. This shows an admirable commitment to reducing environmental impact. The recycled materials feel just as premium as new.
Minor Shortcomings
The super thin case does have some small downsides. The buttons use cutouts rather than physical covers, reducing their tactile feedback. While still functional, pressing the buttons isn’t as satisfying.
The tight fit also makes installation slightly tricky, requiring firm pressure to snap into place. And the minimal lip means the screen is still vulnerable if placed face down. However, these are acceptable trade-offs for the thin and grippy design.
Premium Yet Pricey
With wireless charging, excellent colors, and recycled construction, the Mous Pixel case justifies its $45 MSRP. However, supply constraints forced Mous to raise the price to $60 on its website, the only place currently in stock. This pricier cost of entry could deter some buyers.
Still, for Pixel owners wanting a super slim MagSafe case, Mous delivers a uniquely impressive product. The clever design balances thinness and functionality for a beautifully minimalist Pixel 8 case.